I am a Master's student at the Institute of Data Science and Engineering, College of Computer Science, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, specializing in 3D computer vision, pose estimation and sensor fusion. My advisors for the Master's degree are is Prof. Yu-Lun Liu and Prof. Wei-Chen Chiu.
Previously, I completed my undergraduate studies at National Cheng Kung University, where I double-majored in Computer Science and Geomatics.
DiffIR2VR-Zero leverages pre-trained diffusion models for video restoration, using hierarchical token merging and hybrid optical flow with nearest neighbor matching. It achieves top performance across diverse degradations without training.
We proposed a GNSS/PDR fusion algorithm specifically designed for smartwatches. This algorithm tracks the varied roll and pitch of the sensor caused by hand swings and integrates a CNN model to predict 1-D speed and perform ZUPT detection.
Boosting zero-shot CLIP segmentation with a fast bilateral solver enables accurate estimation of water regions while preserving fine boundaries. Achieving up to 0.90 IoU on the test set surpasses other methods involving training or fine-tuning.
Achieving fast convergence of high-quality NeRF with only two input images by utilizing voxel representation and integrating visibility priors and monocular depth, reducing the training time by 30x.
A wrist-worn IMU PDR algorithm. Utilizing VQF to compute IMU attitude, divided into three stages: Step Detection, Step Length Estimation, and Heading Estimation, enabling navigation with Wrist-Worn IMU worn by pedestrians.
A ROS package for robot navigation and arm control. It is capable of recognizing and grasping objects, as well as navigating to any location on the map.
A real-time camera navigation algorithm in a pre-built LiDAR map, utilizing NDT for 3D point cloud registration, effectively reducing 65% of accumulated position error.